Friday, January 29, 2016

Starlight Sisters (parts 7-8)

Starlight Sisters

(This entry contains parts 7-8 of the story. For parts 1-6, see the previous entries)

Part Seven- The Metal Giant’s Gift

The rain had subsided by the time Christie and Geb reached the Vegetable Patch. They were met by several Bitties who were delighted to see Geb, but Christie was not in a celebratory mood, though she appreciated the kindness and enthusiasm of the small plant-shaped people. She did not want to waste any time, so after eating a meal the Bitties prepared in Geb’s cottage she insisted that he lead her to the Metal Giant known as Cyber Wurko. Geb did so, and Christie was surprised at the appearance of Geb’s friend. Cyber Wurko was large and wore a suit that appeared to be made of a flexible metallic material stretched over his body. His head was large and wide and it seemed like he wore a helmet. Two antennae extended from the sides of the head. He was seated on the ground with his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped around the knees. To Christie the large figure seemed sad, though he had a blank expression on his face.

“Cyber Wurko has usually stayed in the same spot since I met him,” said Geb as he led Christie before the Metal Giant. Then he said to Cyber Wurko, “This is a new friend of mine Wurko, and she really needs your help. Two of her friends were captured by some kind of demon after a weird ghost attacked us. Neither of us could do anything; it was terrible! I think the only hope she has of rescuing her friends is getting one of those incredible suits you make. You know, the ones that give the wearer powers and abilities and other wonderful things. While you’re at it, I could use a replacement to my old suit. The Zing Brothers ruined mine. Can you help us Wurko?”

The eyes of the metallic man looked up at Geb and he answered in a natural voice, “Yes I can certainly help. I need your friend to come here.” Geb gestured to Christie and she walked up to the Metal Giant. Cyber Wurko removed a hand from around his knees and placed it upon Christie’s head. He left it there for moment as he gathered information from her psyche and recorded her DNA, which was his usual method for making custom suits for people. Cyber Wurko’s inherent senses indicated to him that Christie was trustworthy. He removed his hand from her head and said, “Your suit will be ready soon. It may take a few hours’ time. Geb, I will make you a new suit afterward.”

“Thank you so much Cyber Wurko!” answered Geb.

“Yes thank you,” said Christie, “If your suit can really help me overcome these awful enemies I will be extremely grateful. What can I do to repay your kindness?”

“Simply save your friends and defeat the demon that captured them,” answered the Metal Giant. “Seeing any demons fall is always a pleasure to me.”

Geb and Christie left Cyber Wurko where he sat near the back of the Vegetable Patch so he could make their suits. In the meantime they discussed a strategy to defeat Nectra and the Ghost of Despair.

“As you know, discussing demons is outlawed by the Caretaking Body,” Geb told Christie.

“I always thought that ‘Old Focus’ they categorized illegal subjects in was ridiculous,” she answered.

“I agree, and it is rumored that many key members of the Caretaking Body are possessed by demons themselves. I have no idea if that’s true or not, but it would explain the incredible power they have. It must be nice to live in one of those Bastion places where it is safe and secluded. I can’t complain though, this Vegetable Patch here is the closest thing to a save haven I’ve ever found near Main City.”

“I’m glad you have a place like this,” said Christie, “That Metal Giant is truly remarkable. I wonder where he comes from.”

“I asked him but he never told me. He just said ‘very fay away’ and left it at that, so I never pushed the subject.”

“Can these suits that he makes really make a person capable of fighting demons?”

“Trust me Christie, those suits can bring out remarkable talents in people. If anything can help you save your friends, Cyber Wurko’s special suit can.”

“What was the suit you used to wear like?” asked Christie, “The one you said the Zing Brothers ruined.”

“It was a rabbit suit,” answered Geb, “I really wish I could meet another person that wears a rabbit suit like I do. You don’t see too many of those. We have a few rabbits here in the Vegetable Patch, and that’s what inspired it. I’m sure there are other folks out there with a similar suit to mine, but I just haven’t met any in Main City yet.”

“Give it time, and maybe one day you will,” said Christie, “I wouldn’t be surprised if more people came to you and Cyber Wurko to get these wonderful suits of yours. You could really help many people face the dangers of the world.”

“I hope so,” said Geb. “Meeting Cyber Wurko and helping the Bitties in this area gave me a sense of purpose. I hope something good can ultimately come of it.”

A few hours later Cyber Wurko went into the Vegetable Patch to meet Christie Starlight and give her the suit he made. This was very unusual because the Metal Giant rarely ever moved from the spot where he sat.

“I understand your pain Miss Starlight,” Cyber Wurko said to her. “I wish I can do more to assist you, but I believe this suit will aid you tremendously against the enemies you are going to face. I cannot confront them at the moment, but I would if I could. I wish you all the best.”

Christie thanked Cyber Wurko and put on the suit. It had a strange look, but the Dream Queen liked it. It had a simple light blue shirt and dark blue pants covered with silver stars. The shoes had stars at the toes and there was a cape that would allow Christie to levitate if she wanted to. It also included a blue hat with long tassels that floated in the air and had golden orbs at the end. Perhaps the most useful feature of the suit was the power wand that came with it. The weapons the Metal Giant produced were exceptional, and Christie’s new wand was evidence to that. It had a brown handle with a glowing blue and pink star at the end. The star contained vast energy that could be used in various ways based solely on the intent of the user. Christie could strike a foe with the wand and deal a severe blow, or she could blast energy from the star at the end. It was a major improvement from her usual power wand that could only fire energy in the form of sparks.

Cyber Wurko explained all of the features of the suit to Christie and then went back to sit in his usual spot and commence work on Geb’s new rabbit suit. Christie was grateful to the Metal Giant but also more eager than ever to face Nectra and defeat the demon to free Twinklette and Selene. That night, after Geb got his suit and a small but powerful handheld firearm, Christie stayed in a spare room of Geb’s cottage though she had uneasy sleep. The following day she would face her nemesis Nectra again with her new powers. Although she was confident in her abilities, the Dream Queen naturally felt anxious about her upcoming conflict with the demon. Christie had lost one sister already, and she did not wish to lose the other two she had remaining. The next day would determine whether or not she would save her sisters, or go down trying.

Christie Starlight wishes to save her sisters Selene and Twinklette from the demon Nectra. She receives newfound abilities in the haven known as the Vegetable Patch. But before she could confront the demon Nectra again she must defeat the wicked Ghost of Despair.

Part Eight- Duel with the Ghost

The next day Christie woke early and was planning to practice using her suit’s features before she confronted Nectra again. She did not have much time however, because as she began her preparations the Ghost of Despair appeared and swept her away from the Vegetable Patch. Several Bitties awoke Geb and went to the Metal Giant, but they were too late. Christie had no idea where the ghost planned to take her, but as soon as they were above the hard grey ground beyond the Vegetable Patch the Dream Queen used her power wand to fight off her abductor. Her attacks did much more damage than the ghost expected, and he was taken aback by her newfound power. Christie then attacked the Ghost repeatedly with her power wand. As the ghost tried to fly away, the Dream Queen used her recently acquired levitation ability to bring him back to the ground. The wraith would have vanished and fled, but the energy from Christie’s wand and suit prevented him from turning invisible. This distressed the ghost because in all his years of tormenting people he had never faced an enemy like the Dream Queen before. He had subdued humans that were theoretically more powerful than her, yet here she was vanquishing him with relative ease.

Neither the Ghost of Despair nor Christie Starlight truly understood the nature of the powers inherent within the suit of Cyber Wurko. Christie was angry toward Nectra for abducting her beloved sisters, but at the heart of her struggle was her enduring love for them. In some way the Metal Giant produced a suit and weapon that sensed this deep-set emotion and gained the capacity for giving the wearer extraordinary power while using it. Christie was now using this power to fight of the old spirit, and the fact that she felt determined and not despairing also put the ghost at a distinct disadvantage. The ancient Ghost of Despair chose the wrong day to attack The Dream Queen. At last the wraith saw he met his match and tried to plead for mercy, though this was part of a plan on his part. He believed that if the Dream Queen could defeat him she could defeat Nectra as well, and he would rather his opponent destroy the demon and spare him.

“I surrender, Dream Queen!” shouted the Ghost. Christie felt empowered after getting the better of the ghost, and therefore her capacity for despair and terror was minimized even more. “Please let me go! I know information about Nectra that can be useful to you! Just listen to me and I can help you. Please forgive my indiscretion. I should have known your commitment to your loved ones would make you stronger and not weaker. It was a foolish mistake I should never have made. I will never underestimate you again!”

“Shut up ghost!” answered the Dream Queen as she knocked the wraith to the ground and stepped on his skeletal head, pinning it onto the hard ground. “You are only trying to save yourself! You prey on those who are scared and have always done so, but you don’t scare me! You disgust me. It makes me feel proud that I make a career out of making people feel good, because it allows me to counter your terrible efforts. For an old spirit you sure are an idiot. If you had any sense you would know that I’ve been beating you for quite a while. But this ends now. You won’t be hurting anyone anymore. Enough is enough, and it’s time the world went on without you!” She then pressed her foot down on the wraith’s skull and would have crushed the foul Ghost of Despair then and there, but demons and evil ghosts have a sense of each other. The moment Nectra felt her ally being overcome she was making her way toward the fight. She had already appeared with her slumbering captives and watched most of the conflict under a veil of invisibility.

“Wait Christie, please let me go!” the ghost cried desperately. He had never been beaten this severely in a very long time, and felt his own key emotion of despair in himself. He was about to make a final effort to save himself by offering to let Twinklette’s sister Sparklette free if Christie agreed to spare him. Sadly, Nectra chose to appear the instant before he did. Unfortunately the ghost used even this dire situation to his advantage. Deep in her prison in the Nightmare Country, Sparklette understood the ghost’s intention, and he used his power to cause her to believe that the Dream Queen had failed her. Of course, he never had the chance to state his offer and so this was untrue. But the Ghost made Sparklette believe it was true. The girl’s love for her sister Twinklette protected her from being absorbed by the ghost altogether, but her perceived betrayal by the Dream Queen caused her spirit to become so weakened that the ghost had an even stronger grip upon her. Sparklette carried much resentment in her soul from that point forward.

Christie knew nothing of the possibility of Sparklette’s situation because neither she nor Twinklette actually knew that it was the Ghost of Despair that abducted Sparklette from the wreck. They both assumed Twinklette’s sister perished in the flames of the wrecked vehicle. The Dream Queen’s attention was turned from her opponent a moment before she crushed his head. A red aura surrounded the entire area, as if blood had turned to steam and filled the area. Christie then saw a figure appear and immediately recognized it as Nectra. The demon appeared and stood before Christie. Nectra then caused the lobster claws, head and tail to fall off of her body. These then transformed into two large demons in lobster form that hovered over the unconscious bodies of Selene and Twinklette. Nectra now appeared to be a woman with glowing dark red skin and bright yellow eyes. Black, bat-like wings extended from her back and a leathery tail wisped behind her as she hovered into the air and looked down at Christie. The Ghost of Despair fled quickly when he had the chance and did not look back, leaving the Dream Queen and Nectra to each other.

“I hope your victory over the Ghost of Despair didn’t make you overconfident,” said Nectra. “Though I am quite disappointed in his efforts, I am glad I can face you with your newfound powers. It will be amusing to me to beat you down and destroy that ego of yours. You see, I don’t need you to be in a state of despair to defeat you like the ghost does. My powers are far beyond anything you can imagine. I will defeat you so definitely that you will beg to become one with me. I will enjoy each moment of it. Now prepare yourself to be humbled by my awesome power Christie Starlight!”

Read the epic conclusion to "Starlight Sisters" next week!

As always thank you for reading,
Mike Babbish

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mike! I am looking forward to the conclusion. A really good story!!!
    Love the art work too.
