Monday, October 26, 2015

Rabbit-Man Art Gallery

     In this blog entry I will post many of the pictures that led to the inspiration for my story The Rabbit-Man. The character of the Rabbit-Man S.T. Ranger began as a series of pictures I drew in 2012. Since then, the story has developed quite a bit, becoming a book rather than just a series of pictures. Because of this, some things in the story have changed since I drew the original pictures. Much has been added and some details have been removed or changed. Nevertheless, the core story is essentially the same. I also have a link to my recently created DeviantArt account at the bottom of this post for anyone who would be interested in viewing my other artwork.

Lady Easter's Garden is the home of The Rabbit-Man.
The Rabbit-Man and Pertho, with Wolfsnare in the background.
The Coveted Cabbage is guarded by the vicious Guard Dogs.
The Great Owl-Man Howler Highhorse claims to have a solution to the world's problems, but can he be trusted?

You can view my previous post to learn more about this enemy of the Rabbit-Man.

The Rabbit-Man helped this old stranger, but what influence will he have on the life of S.T. Ranger? Who is this mysterious old man anyway?

WTF is going on here !?!

Maybe just a bit too obscure? Yes maybe, but I don't care. Mr. Spiderhat, Eagle Top, and Diva Sweetbud appear in this picture.

S.T. Ranger gains a new perspective, and also....

A new look !?! Again, a little obscure with this one. The story was a work-in-progress at this point.


The Dream Queen Christie Starlight takes a stand in the Grand Coliseum.

The Hall of the Elite. The Rabbit-Man is less than impressed.

Everything above was completed before the book was actually written. Some of the images ares still very consistent with the plot of the book, while others digress quite a bit. To learn how close each picture is you will have to read the book when it is available next year. However, the pictures below were drawn after the manuscript for the book was completed. These images are much more consistent with the story.

This image is a possible cover for the book.

Trouble in the Garden

The Rabbit-Man is pictured in both his old and new suit, confronting his nemesis The Blue Demon.

These are two sculptures I made of The Blue Demon and The Rabbit-Man.

Thank you for reading and for your interest in The Rabbit-Man. If you would like to see more artwork of mine, click on the link below.

-Mike Babbish

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